PRP – A Non-Surgical Solution for Reversing Hair Loss

Today, you don’t have to accept hair loss. PRP therapy is a safe, effective, non-surgical hair loss treatment – certainly is the answer you’ve been looking for! With PRP therapy, you’ll experience thicker, healthier hair with: NO SCARS, NO DOWNTIME, AND NO SIDE EFFECTS

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) involves drawing a small amount of your blood to run through a centrifuge. This Process produces a serum rich in platelets and essential growth protein, which is injected or applied in thinning areas of your scalp to stimulate the growth of the hair follicles. You’ll only need a local anesthetic. So, you can resume your regular activities immediately after the treatment.
For many years, PRP therapy has been used in oral, orthopedic and sports medicine. Over the last few years, the discovery of PRP as an effective option for hair restoration has made PRP therapy an increasingly popular alternative to surgical hair treatments. Because PRP is still undergoing scientific research, it is often used with therapies as Minoxidil and DHT blockers but is not meant to replace them.

• How does PRP help hair grow?

Some hair loss conditions cause hair follicles to shrink, producing thinner strands of hair. For example, when the follicles close completely, hair cannot grow. Hair Follicles thrive on nutrients in the blood; injecting the platelet-rich plasma will promote healing and circulation. In short, encouraging the growth of new, healthy hair.

• How safe is PRP?

Since your own blood is used in PRP therapy, certainly there is no chance of your body rejecting the plasma or reacting to foreign matter. This procedure has been proven safe and effective, with no side effects.

• How long does it take to see results?

Most people begin seeing new hair growth four to six months after treatment, possibly sooner. Hair may continue to improve up to a year after the initial treatment; new growth may be maintained for up to two years. However, results can vary depending on each individual’s contributing factors. You may need additional injections to achieve and maintain your results.