Cosmopolitan Emface Review 2024: I Tested the Needle-Free Tool That Lifts and Sculpts Your Face

Check this Emface Review 2024 from Cosmopolitan! “It’s honest and no-BS thoughts!

What is EMFACE?

Emface is a non-invasive treatment that utilizes a combination of HIFES (high-intensity facial electrical stimulation) and radiofrequency technology to improve facial muscle density and stimulate collagen and elastin production, says Dr. Halaas. “As of right now, it’s the only device that can address and reverse the two main causes of aging—loss of facial muscle tone and loss of collagen.”

Emface is revolutionizing non-surgical cosmetic treatments, offering a needle-free alternative to Botox and fillers. By combining radiofrequency energy to boost collagen production with electromagnetic stimulation to strengthen facial muscles, Emface targets sagging skin and fine lines in a natural, non-invasive way.

The Needle-Free Skin Sculpting Treatment the Beauty World’s Been Buzzing About

Botox straight-up eliminates my forehead lines. Emface softened them. I’ve only tried cheek filler once and it made my cheekbones look more voluminous, while Emface just made them look more lifted. Personally, I prefer the result from Emface—it looks less puffy than filler.

Source: Cosmopolitan, “Emface Review 2024: I Tested the Needle-Free Tool That Lifts and Sculpts Your Face,” accessed November 27, 2024, at

Learn more about Emface and its benefits in reviews from Well+Good, and Allure.